Simclix Configurator

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Hi, we're Simclix

A cool collective of like-minded people that love technology and business.

Built on trust and passion

Simclix is the company to bridge the gap between business and technology. We want to be part of the change that both the technology and business industry needs. At Simclix we chose to put cybersecurity first, and we aren't afraid to say no when we are asked to do things that we don't agree with. We love to conduct honest and transparent business, and we love it even more when our clients do the same. Our ultimate goal is to make everyone happy, our clients as well as our own staff.

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What drives us

Yes, we do like money, but we are not driven by it, our main drivers are our curiosity and passion for both business and technology.


We started this company out of curiosity on how to deliver the best set of services in the complex digital world while keeping our clients happy.


With all the advanced technologies, we truly believe that we can find a solution for all our clients, that fit their specific needs.


The fact that technology has advanced this far already, is making us even more curious as to what else is possible through innovation.

We're always looking for talent

Do you think that you could be a part of us? Great! Send us your application letter and resumé or portfolio at and become part of our talent pool.

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